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 Post subject: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:31 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:43 pm
Posts: 6
Here's a few gun mods that I've made - I've separated them into individual folders so you can pick and choose which ones you want to add, but there is also the whole pack available for download as well.

All of these guns are purchasable by default, so you don't need to run around trying to find an AI or a crate with these in. Having all of the guns can clutter up the menu at the armoury somewhat so feel free to change the values and make them unavailable for purchase or whatever.

If you have any comments or suggestions, leave them below.

Download All Weapons

To install;

  • The weapons pack with all weapons, drop it into media>overlays and enable it in-game

  • Individual guns, drop them into [RWR Install Folder]>media>packages>vanilla and merge all folders, then go into vanilla>weapons>all_weapons.xml and add the [gun].weapon file to the list. [gun] is the name of the weapon file included in the download. E.g.:

    • Say you want to install the FN FAL. Download it, copy the contents into the destination listed above, say 'okay' to the file merge notifications (nothing is overwritten). Then, go into the weapons folder, edit all_weapons.xml and add
      <weapon file="fn_fal.weapon" />

      in there somewhere before the </weapons> line.

- 20 Round capacity
- Single shot only

Glock 18 *NEW*
- 33 Round capacity
- Fully automatic secondary weapon
- Carried/fired 2-handed, single-handed animations caused problems

IMI Desert Eagle .50 AE
- 7 Round capacity
- Secondary weapon
- Carried 2-handed, single-handed carry animation (for medikit) caused problems with firing on the move


- 50 Round capacity

IMI Micro Uzi

- 50 Round capacity
- Higher ROF & less accuracy than Uzi

M9A1 *NEW*
- 15 Round capacity
- Secondary weapon
- Carried 2-handed, single-handed carry animation (for medikit) caused problems with firing on the move

M9A1 Suppressed
- 15 Round capacity
- Silenced secondary weapon
- Carried 2-handed, single-handed carry animation (for medikit) caused problems with firing on the move

L85A2 (SA80)

- 30 Round capacity
- Extended sight range due to scope

Smith & Wesson Model 500 Magnum
- 5 Round capacity
- Secondary weapon
- Individual bullet reload
- Carried 2-handed, single-handed carry animation (for medikit) caused problems with firing on the move

Steyr AUG A1

- 30 Round capacity
- Extended sight range due to scope

Last edited by Influx on Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:34 pm 

Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 9:39 am
Posts: 5
Hi Influx,

I'm really keen to try these but the installation seems a bit convoluted considering most mods are just a case of copying a folder into overlays.

When you say merge, do you mean extract each sub file i.e. model, sounds etc into the main directory?

Also, FWIW I'd much prefer if the FAL had a 20rd magazine as in real life, and the AUG a 30rd, the 42rd AUG and 30rd FAL magazines were both relatively rare Section Light Support weapon versions, that frankly weren't very good.

Also, any chance of a non silenced M92f or similar large capacity 9mm in the future?

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:56 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:43 pm
Posts: 6
Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately, the overlay method only seems to work with all the guns included - having individual guns just includes the last gun enabled in-game. To help, I've tried to explain the installation for individual weapons a bit clearer, and also added an overlay pack with all weapons in for an easier install.

I've amended the magazine capacities of the FAL and the AUG as per your request, you are correct that the 42-capacity mag for the AUG was only used as a support weapon and that the 30-round magazine for the FAL is not as widespread as the 20-round mag.

I can certainly make an unsuppressed M9A1, not sure why there isn't one included already.

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:48 pm 

Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 9:39 am
Posts: 5
Hi Influx,

Thanks for that. Gave the full pack a whirl this evening and really liked it.

It still had your original magazine capacities though, also I'm not sure why the revolver is a five round, I would have thought a six round cylinder would be universal.

It's actually really useful being able to carry a pistol as a secondary weapon so cheers for that.

One minor crit/spotter point is that the AUG A1 internal optic was a 1.5x magnification so it wouldn't really increase the range significantly (it's actually optimised for engaging targets within 200m in real world terms).

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:43 pm
Posts: 6
Oops, I'd updated and uploaded the pack with amended ammo capacities, but never updated the link in the main post - that should be it sorted now. While I was at it I added the unsuppressed M9A1 for you, and also put a Glock 18 in there as well.

As for the Model 500 only having 5 rounds - it could have something to do with it using the .500 cartridges, with a larger outside diameter than .44 cartridges. Perhaps there wasn't enough room on the cylinder to safely fit 6 rounds on it.

The sight increase for the AUG - and the L85A2 for that matter - are very small, 1.2x for the AUG and 1.3x for the L85A2. These are just arbitrary values since the M24A2 has a sight range increase of just 1.6x which doesn't reflect any real-world value.

Glad you're enjoying the pack, though!

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:17 pm 

Joined: Tue May 14, 2013 9:39 am
Posts: 5
Influx wrote:
Oops, I'd updated and uploaded the pack with amended ammo capacities, but never updated the link in the main post - that should be it sorted now. While I was at it I added the unsuppressed M9A1 for you, and also put a Glock 18 in there as well.

As for the Model 500 only having 5 rounds - it could have something to do with it using the .500 cartridges, with a larger outside diameter than .44 cartridges. Perhaps there wasn't enough room on the cylinder to safely fit 6 rounds on it.

The sight increase for the AUG - and the L85A2 for that matter - are very small, 1.2x for the AUG and 1.3x for the L85A2. These are just arbitrary values since the M24A2 has a sight range increase of just 1.6x which doesn't reflect any real-world value.

Glad you're enjoying the pack, though!

I really am.

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:40 pm 
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Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:41 pm
Posts: 392
Location: finland
is the pistols 2 hand carry animation like sense making or like carrying the bigger gun?

EDIT: i tested it myself, looks fine, but why is the pistol just going downwards after shot when shooting to like ingame upwards? and i also noticed that the aug is bit too big or too back because it glitches through shoulder a bit. and the reload of the revolver, i dont think its much realistic if reload is louder than shooting :D and no im not offending you.
overally good pack :D

co-owner of NEWA

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:30 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2014 7:44 am
Posts: 1
Location: 123 street
Great job weapons mode sir, i really like all of your weapons mod but i was pick 1 and this is really i like. the
magnum 50.
7 Round capacity
- Secondary weapon
- Carried 2-handed, single-handed carry animation (for medikit) caused problems with firing on the move

monkey fists

Last edited by Geraldmirs on Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Influx's Gun Mods
PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:21 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:19 am
Posts: 635
You do realize this is a dead mod, right? I'm not even sure if you can run the mod with the game from a year ago.

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