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 Post subject: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:28 am 

Joined: Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:53 pm
Posts: 1
Yes, you read that title right. Valve is back with their next game in its critically received flagship series. And it is....
A top down shooter thingy?

Half Life 3 (I should really think of a better name) is a mod which, if you have not already guessed, aims to bring the Half Life universe (mainly Half Life 2) to RWR. I started this mod back in the summer, right before school sucker punched me. Now I'm back and ready to stumbl- er, elegantly work my way towards making a sweet mod.

Things Currently Added:
*Two factions: The Combine and The Resistance
-New models
-Civil Protection, Overwatch Soldiers (Nova Prospekt included), and Overwatch Elite
-Civilians, Rebels, and HEV Suits
-New names
-Some custom dialogue

*Eight new weapons
-USP Match
-.357 Magnum
-Overwatch Sniper
-Complete with custom sounds and HUD icons

*Also the knife is replaced with a crowbar, because duh

Things For The Future:
-Rare weapons (made out of weapons either cut from the games, or otherwise unavailable to the player.)
-AI and equipment differences between models, e.g. civilians and rebels (right now the differences are mainly aesthetic)
-Revamping the sounds to make it more Half Lifey
-Revamping HUD elements to make it more Half Lifey
-Inclusion of 'hero' units (Barney, Alyx) for the Resistance. Rare spawns, lots of armor, special weapons
-A bunch of smaller stuff

Things (hypothetically) For The (far, far) Future:
-Zombies, because all the cool kids have them
-Custom map, if I ever figure out how to do that

Some Screenshots:

And Finally:

At this time I consider the mod to have the framework down. Now my objective is to make this mod have more substance; I want it to be something more than just a RWR reskin.

This is the first vaguely mod-like thing I've ever attempted, and as such feedback is greatly appreciated.

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 1:31 am 
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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:44 am
Posts: 99
Location: One of two Melbournes.
I really like this.

For what you've done so far, it's excellent. I won't be picky about what isn't replaced, as I expect you'll continue to work on this. Models are great, sounds are great, and it plays well as a framework.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:34 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:28 pm
Posts: 30
Pretty cool mod! if i might ask could you increase the numbers of the regular resistance fighters rather than a mass of militias? they get shot up real nice by the much superior combines in an equal fight unless i tweak their accuracy and numbers to even stand a chance. perhaps with a m moderate number of regulars the resistance could put up a much better fight

“I find your lack of faith disturbing”

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 2:30 pm 
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Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:44 am
Posts: 99
Location: One of two Melbournes.
they get shot up real nice by the much superior combines in an equal fight unless i tweak their accuracy and numbers to even stand a chance. perhaps with a m moderate number of regulars the resistance could put up a much better fight

If we're going for accuracy, the Resistance should have fewer, more potent units, while the Combine have more, less potent units.

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:54 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:28 pm
Posts: 30
well see thats the whole problem. with the resistance mass, i along with hundreds of others would just get slaughtered with a single grenade while with the combine accuracy, it'l be a turkey shoot.

“I find your lack of faith disturbing”

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:51 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:04 pm
Posts: 12
Mod is very good already, the weapons especially are done very nicely. I wonder, though, is it possible to add the SMG grenades or the Combine balls to the SMG and AR2?

 Post subject: Re: [MOD] Half Life 3
PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:41 pm
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The following is a guide that was used by about 3000-4000 Half Life 2 Roleplayers who ran communities or spent thousands of hours roleplaying in the half life universe under garrysmod. It was a long time ago before tabletops were cool and the kids didn't know anything else, used gamemodes such as Open Aura and Nutscript. Personally modded a few servers myself but that was a long time ago.

Though to repeat something important is to check out the radio communications from the game, personally something I'm using now for a tabletop half life game I'm running is - ... -chatter-2

The combine don't use the raitel methods modern forces use, they seem to either directly state their own callsign or the callsign of whomever they are speaking to, probably because they don't use radio communications and use something equal to a cell phone or online call.
E.G. "JUDGE One Forty Two administering level 2 punishment. Green contraband, two 10-91's in District 2 Housing Block C."

Obviously no one is going to pressure you by the book but I'd say it makes it feel more authentic. Something important is that The Combine and especially Overwatch Transhuman Arm(The Combine Soldiers) speak like aliens and not robots, they aren't mechanical it's just that they have lost their humanity. Easiest thing is probably to just go through the audio for the half life games and just use that though.

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