Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)
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Author:  The Soldier [ Fri Jun 24, 2016 2:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

xr79 wrote:
So we have run into a bit of problem, We have about 50 weapons to add into the armory for the gallians, so I want to know what is the maximum we can add to the armory? and if we can change the GUI size of the weapons in the armory?

There is no set maximum, but the armory tends to get really weird-looking after maybe 15. Wouldn't suggest going more than that, because after that, the armory starts properly glitching out when you open it, pushing a lot of weapons over to the left, etc. Can't change the GUI scale of each weapon, even if the weapon's HUD image is smaller.

Author:  DIO [ Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

Not related exactly, but as a confirmation of the The Soldier's post:

Author:  xr79 [ Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

AH HA! That is what i needed to see, thank you som uch DIO, you CAN add more weapons to the armory, take a look at the textures, it looks like the box and the GUI is resizing BUT the texture of the gun it's self is not, so all I need to do is manually make the texture very thin! and it will work. thank you again.

Author:  Ryudo Kaze [ Sat Jun 25, 2016 7:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

At this point I should add, that it will not look like this on every system. It's depending on the resolution you run Running With Rifles on.
Besides: There is one problem. If you make the hud-file very thin, it's going to look just like that all over the game. Including the inventory slot on the soldiers. At some point the gun is so thin, that it's not recognizable anymore. Before doing that, we rather just write the name in small font vertically... <_<

While saying that I also want to ask, if it's possible to make it that the weapons swap themselves out during the game?
Our armoury content consists of multiple weapons where some of them are only an upgraded form of a base weapon. So I'm thinking about adjusting the content of our armoury as soon as the player reaches a certain number of XP. I don't know if that interferes with the item distribution system to much, but it would be nice to start of with a light rifle if you're only a soldier and as soon as you are a corporal you can only grab the upgraded form of this rifle from the armoury, since you are to high in rank to use the base version.

I think in terms of code it would involve swapping out the proper resource files. Like:
"If the XP of the player is lower than X, use the content of primary_1.resource."
"If the XP of the player is above Y, use the content of primary_2.resource."
... And so on ...
How would one achieve this?

Author:  The Soldier [ Sat Jun 25, 2016 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

Ryudo Kaze wrote:
I think in terms of code it would involve swapping out the proper resource files. Like:
"If the XP of the player is lower than X, use the content of primary_1.resource."
"If the XP of the player is above Y, use the content of primary_2.resource."
... And so on ...
How would one achieve this?

Can't be done, far as I know.

Author:  xr79 [ Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

NVM I figured out how to perfectly measure offsets, using blender you can create what I am now calling a offset skeleton. RWR measures offsets in centimeters

Author:  The Soldier [ Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

xr79 wrote:
Okay so these vehicle offsets are probably the most frustrating thing I have ever dealt with IN MY FUCKING LIFE! There has to be a way to measure this! or like calculate it so it's not a god damn guessing game?! please someone help me.

I had an entire conversation about this with ChippedChap, and it took a while for me to explain everything - hopefully you'll catch this a bit easier. :)

Alright, start off with the wheels (if you've got any wheel) - the wheel HAS to be centered around the origin, so if you rotated it about the origin, it would look like it was a spinning tire (surprise surprise, heh). Then, make sure the chassis is centered at the origin, then move it up so that if the X plane was the ground and the wheels were on it, the chassis would look fine. I know that might sound confusing, but look at this KV 1 / 2 / 85 - take the tracks like the wheels.


As you can see, the chassis is floating where it would be if the tracks / wheels were there. Export it like that.

For turrets, center it at the origin and then raise it so the bottom of the turret is where the XY-plane is. Export it like that.

For turret weapons, (once again) center it at the origin and then move it to the side so the place where it joins with the turret is just in front of the Y plane.

After that, you should be able to ignore the offset and visual offset in the physics section (which is what ChippedChap struggled with). For reference, the numbers in the offset are (a, b, c) - "a" moves the object left and right, "b" moves the object up and down, and "c" moves the object forwards and backwards. Hopefully all this helps. :)

Author:  xr79 [ Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

So, positioning was a pain but I eventually got it. you can measure it out in blender and enter it, so a few of the vehicles are in, now I'm turning my eyes to the weapon sounds. I wanted to know, are we allowed to re purpose the vanilla weapon sounds into the mod? or is that a no no?

Author:  The Soldier [ Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

Of course you can reuse vanilla sounds. Otherwise, many mods wouldn't exist. :P Just remember, if it's in the vanilla package, you don't need to include it in your package to use it. A bring-what-you-need party, to say.

Author:  xr79 [ Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Valkiria chronicles Mod (WIP)

I figured, but even with it packed properly this mod is massive right now, so many new models and tanks, I'm up to 51 various character models, 61 mesh weapons. 10 mesh vehicles.

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