Hello all,
One day I decided to start creating a mod based off of the great console game Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. If you remember this game it was overshadowed by other big releases of the time but this game was fantastic. Great characters, good story and for the time it really pushed the limits of each console. Now there is a mod for it on RWR.

I'd like some feedback on the mod in its current state but I'd also like some help.
Some things I don't know how to do are:
Vehicle modding
Flame weapons (like flamethrower and molotov cocktail)
Non-humanoid models for units?
Map making
I'd like this to be a complete "overhaul" for RWR and I know it will take time but any support will keep my morale up.
Thanks for reading this,
Here is the wikia on Metal Arms:
http://metalarms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_PageHere is the steam page for it:
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =731488190