Just a hint for handling these overlay-type mods, there is a way to do it so that you can enable and disable them at will (yes, several of mods) per map in change map menu, without overwriting the vanilla stuff.
Instead of structuring the mod as content under media\packages\vanilla, you make it e.g. media\overlays\ModernWarfare

Now, in game, check this out:

If you do it this way, you can keep your weapons organized much better too. There's no need to replace vanilla AK47 files with another weapon as you can have your own weapon specification file, model, sounds, hud textures, anything named anyway you want.
The important piece in this puzzle is all_weapons.xml. The default maps refer to that file for which weapons are included in the game. You should include all_weapons.xml in your overlay mod resources, and modify that to control whether vanilla weapons are included or not and where to locate your custom weapon files. Overlaying works so that vanilla resources are always loaded as a basis and content found in overlay folders are used to replace vanilla content based on their filenames or by inserting new resources.
Modern Warfare voxel soldiers looking great btw