It's me again and always, runners!
Unfortunately unlockables are still not back. Sad.
Instead, I have a surprise for you all in the official
RUNNING WITH RIFLES Discord server (if you're not already part of it: join us, it's full of cool runners from all over the world!).
So: RWRS is now available as a Discord bot, located in the aforementioned Discord server, which can gives you many kind of information. It's the 21st century, gentlemen!
How to use? In the #rwrs channel, send a message which contains a command and, if required, its parameters, to the bot. The bot will then gives you the desired information. Some examples:
- Getting Invasion stats of Mellcor? @RWRS stats mellcor
- Aaaaaand what if I want to know if Dio is playing right now? @RWRS whereis dio
- Okay, can you give me the ranked (official) servers that are currently active? @RWRS servers --ranked
- Well and what about the position of Jatimatik in the Pacific leaderboard, ordered by time played? @RWRS pos jatimatik time pacific
Let's stop now with the examples. I invite you to send the
@RWRS help command: the bot will give you all the available commands along their parameters. Note that the bot also works well via PM: in this case, no need to mention him.
If you encounter issues or have suggestion, feel free to post a reply here or contact me on Discord: Epoc#4256
Along this update comes the usual improvements and bugfixes regarding RWRS itself. I'm not detailing them because I'm lazy right now.
Have fun!
P.S. Special thank to the Discord staff who helped me for several things during the creation of this bot! And of course thanks to the testers and, finally, thanks to Ily