Assault/Harassment by Neinfingers & Ally on Spoonalot and I
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Author:  JackMayol [ Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault/Harassment by Neinfingers & Ally on Spoonalot an

Street Veteran wrote:
Some days ago it was not running on some servers, but cant remember if it was your servers or {SAS}.

probably was SAS.

Author:  Opt_0 [ Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault/Harassment by Neinfingers & Ally on Spoonalot an

JackMayol wrote:
The penalty manager should still be running, sure. The problem is that it requires 5 TKs to kick in. By that, the damage might already be done. Having it lower might punish people who TKed by accident (heavy artillery for example).

Hmmm, I know the other week, or a couple weeks ago, I had a few rounds where I know I should have gotten the team penalty for accidental player kills when a ton of new guys ran in too early while arty was still dropping. I know I killed well over the 5 in one drop, and I never got locked out. And I know it happened to a few other Vets recently too, and some of those times I was on playing so I know they got the teamkills required (accidental as well), yet also suffered no penalty. I even asked them during the round or after on Steam just to double check and see if any of us have been getting it and so far none of them have.

So it may not be functioning as intended. I'm not sure. But I am sure that during one week there were two situations in which I should have been penalized for a bunch of accidental kills and I wasn't. It's a good system, and I'm not suggesting any changes to the requirements or settings of it, just want to make sure it's still functioning properly. I'm willing to be penalized for the accidental kills, and I'm sure many other Vets are willing to put up with it if it helps encourage New Troops to strongly avoid TeamKills.

Author:  JackMayol [ Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault/Harassment by Neinfingers & Ally on Spoonalot an

if it was on SAS, that would explain it as it doesn't work as intended there.

Author:  terence [ Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Assault/Harassment by Neinfingers & Ally on Spoonalot an

Opt_0 wrote:
JackMayol wrote:
The penalty manager should still be running, sure. The problem is that it requires 5 TKs to kick in. By that, the damage might already be done. Having it lower might punish people who TKed by accident (heavy artillery for example).

Hmmm, I know the other week, or a couple weeks ago, I had a few rounds where I know I should have gotten the team penalty for accidental player kills when a ton of new guys ran in too early while arty was still dropping. I know I killed well over the 5 in one drop, and I never got locked out. And I know it happened to a few other Vets recently too, and some of those times I was on playing so I know they got the teamkills required (accidental as well), yet also suffered no penalty. I even asked them during the round or after on Steam just to double check and see if any of us have been getting it and so far none of them have.

So it may not be functioning as intended. I'm not sure. But I am sure that during one week there were two situations in which I should have been penalized for a bunch of accidental kills and I wasn't. It's a good system, and I'm not suggesting any changes to the requirements or settings of it, just want to make sure it's still functioning properly. I'm willing to be penalized for the accidental kills, and I'm sure many other Vets are willing to put up with it if it helps encourage New Troops to strongly avoid TeamKills.

Why there is a need of penalty?


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