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 Post subject: 1.25 servers
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:24 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2011 11:59 am
Posts: 2856
The server build is also included in the game release these days. Using SteamCMD you can pull in updates easily without having to deal with copying the media files manually, see the instructions how to set it up.

You can of course also handle updates manually, see stuff below.

Link for the Linux build: ... 386.tar.gz
Link for the Windows build:

You need to copy media from the actual game build to your server folder, unless you use SteamCMD.

These days, the primary server scripts folder media/packages/vanilla/scripts comes with example settings that are used unless you provide your own settings. The files are
* admin_settings.example.php
* server_settings_*.example.php
* optionally, comms_settings.example.php if you're e.g. running multiple RWR servers in the same system

The recommended way to make the server use your own settings is to copy an example file and rename it as the original file just without the ".example" infix. E.g. server_settings_invasion.example.php would become server_settings_invasion.php. Then edit the file to fit your needs.

Launch the RWR server with

and launch the optional script in another process to get things going, look below. You can also be the script yourself by commanding things in the server console. "help" command in the server console will get you started.

Dominance gamemode script can be started with
./launch_php media/packages/vanilla/scripts/start_classic.php debug_output

Invasion can be run with
./launch_php media/packages/vanilla/scripts/start_invasion.php debug_output

Team elimination runs with
./launch_php media/packages/vanilla/scripts/start_team_elimination.php debug_output

./launch_php media/packages/vanilla/scripts/start_deathmatch.php debug_output

./launch_php media/packages/vanilla/scripts/start_minimodes_map6.php debug_output

Team teddy hunt can be run with the following. Note that the package is not vanilla here, and the server settings are taken from media/packages/teddy_hunt/scripts/server_settings_team_teddy_hunt.php.
./launch_php media/packages/teddy_hunt/scripts/start_team_teddy_hunt.php debug_output

Debug_output isn't exactly needed, but helps with checking that things work by seeing printing in console.

If you're getting upset about the amount of traces going into log files and console, you can control it by using command line parameters such as minimal_log, normal_log, verbose_log (=default).

Windows build comes with handy bat files to run the scripts above.

On a headless Linux, the way I'm personally having the server and the script in different processes is by using screen and having the server run in one window and the script in another.

This stuff isn't strictly needed, but might be useful for some scenario.
Template for location info:
Template for server console command aliases:
Template for custom metagame interface settings for Linux:

Don't forget to copy the media folder from the actual game RWR to the server folder!

If you're just setting up your server, check out this guide about the available match and server settings gathered up by {SAS}DocStone!

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