Beta 0.78 dedicated server, Linux
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Author:  pasik [ Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Beta 0.78 dedicated server, Linux

Link for the Linux build, with bundled dependencies: ... 386.tar.gz
Seems the bundled Linux package is working fine, so non-bundled versions are not distributed from now on. Please leave comments about it if you think that's not the way it should be.

So, on Linux, the server now accepts input through a named pipe and can output reports through another named pipe. By default, /tmp/rwr_server_in and _out are used, you can define the pipe names by using metagame.xml, see a template below. It's particularly useful if you're running multiple RWR server instances on one system.

The server runs fine without using the pipes or a metagame script, it'll function mostly like it used to, by restarting the same match after 60 seconds once the map has completed.

If you just want to enable map rotating on the server, you can pick the map rotator -metagame script below. It's up to you, but you can copy that to the server folder and run it in another process in addition to running the server, they'll communicate if the pipes are set up right, which should be if you're using the defaults. I randomly chose to hack up the script using PHP, you'll need PHP5 installed to run it.

The way I'm currently doing it is using screen and having rwr_server running in one window and the script in another. Once you have them both running, and if you suspect nothing is happening, you can write "declare_winner 0" in rwr_server console, which will forcibly end the match, sending a report to the metagame, the script receiving it and responding with a few radio messages and countdown to change the map. If that's not happening, then something's wrong: check that the pipes get created, also rwr_server.log tells which pipes the server is using.

I'll try to come up with some stuff that should make it all a tad more convenient to work with, but at this point, it's all very experimental. Suggestions are welcome!

Template for command aliases:
Template for location info:
Template for metagame settings:
Template for map rotator -metagame: ... tor.php.gz

Change log for beta 0.78.1:
compatibility: compatible with RWR beta 0.78
console: command queueing added, separate commands with ; on one command line
change_map: maps can now be changed while server is active online
players: server player no longer exists, game goes into full simulation mode if there are no players on the server
declare_winner: can be used to forcibly end the match, useful for metagame testing
say: no longer works through a soldier, as one doesn't exist, instead global radio messages are used
start_game: server player faction parameter removed, initial base count is now always expressed in green point of view

Don't forget to copy the media folder from the actual game RWR beta 0.78 to the server folder!

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