AI mechanic idea: command post/vehicle
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Author:  warbrand2 [ Mon May 12, 2014 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  AI mechanic idea: command post/vehicle

here is an idea, for an objective/command item. a command post, be default this is either a tent with a radio tower or a command vehicle moving around the map, from it an AI or high rank player can give "orders" to the AIs.

how it would work

when the person gets in the command chair of the "vehicle" or vehicle, they will auto pull up the map, this map will have 3 slide bars on each base controlled by the team as well as shield on allied bases and a attack symbol on hostile.

The bars do the following.

bar one: defensive garrison
at min: minimal defense (for example with a 100 soldier battle [50 per team] this would cause 2 to stay at hte base)
at max: full defensive set up at this setting the AI will place sand bags and turrets to hold the area.

bar two: offensive garrison (bars are connected so max defense has min offense)
at min: minimal offense, doesn't send out attacks
at max: sends out almost all soldiers in attack

bar three: reinforcement priority
all bars are linked, basicly tells the AI which base to spawn at.


aka attack defend order, only one can be active at a time. clicking a shield will cause attacking forces to move to defend a location, clicking a bomb will cause attacking forces to move to attack location.

AI use
the AI will use the command station for more drimatic attacks and defenses, example if the players team is making a hard rush at a point repeatedly the AI will move that to max defense and set to defend that, before sending out a rush.

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