Ok, in co-op the spawn truck is the life blood of most assaults thing is to many newbies get a hold of it and use it like a transport.
now this alone is not bad because the truck can hold 8 people in the back and a passenger and is more armored then the transport truck, so for co-op I have a suggestion
first off rename the spawn truck ARMORED transport for co-op, keep the respawn ability for it but allow AI to spawn from it (if in friendly areas)
second add a co-op only heavy vehicle called the MCC mobile command center
health: 450
seats: 7 (one driver, 1 HMG gunner, 2 side MG gunners, 4 passengers)
main gun: a top mounted open HMG(minigun) same stats as the deployable version
side guns: 2 90 degree firing area MG turrets armored interior soldiers (side mounted
speed: 10 max
has a rear mounted armory and two side mounted stashes.
warning: AI priority target meaning they see it they shoot it, driven or not.
in co-op this spawns on all maps but virgil island and power junction as they do not need it, by default an AI drives this with the 4 gunners the gunners have 5,000 xp so are easy for players to take over, while the driver has 10,000 xp meaning only elite players can take it. by default the AI avoids battle with the MCC.
servers can disable the MCC or the AI control on the MCC