Running With The Dead(suggestions)
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Author:  QuickLoad [ Fri Sep 23, 2016 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Running With The Dead(suggestions)

Sorry, this is weird because it's on an official server, but not officially stat-tracked, and an official workshop mod, but technically still a mod.
I thought I would put this here.(I contemplated making this a discussion so we could have a variety of feedback, but i'll just stay here, don't be shy to share your opinion on it either. I guess this will be the suggestion box to throw your notes into.)

-After some intense 4-5 day playing(and yanking players off of invasion and inviting them over to RWD), the bandits have finally conquered both the suvivors and military, causing the server to run next map and then restart(which also means that stats reset, well that's the first piece of this suggestion post, but yeah - stats should be saved, it just helps allow for progress, rank, some unlocks, stashing, etc.)

-If possible, and this isn't nessescary, but it would be neat, faction-sharing stashes shouldn't be allowed, as people can transfer faction-unique items to another faction.(or simply decrease stash size for this gamemode only, again - not sure if it's possible or not.)

-AA-12 Demolitions is a gun that fires volleys of explosive rounds per shell, it's pretty overpowered in my opinion.

-Fireworks Launcher has the ability of sending a extremely high-damaging round over a long distance, it's found in cargo trucks for a cheap 15RP, and also is in the survivor's arsenel. In our opinions, the weapon should be a rare or more expensive as it's one of the most cheap and effective weapons in existance(not to mention a team of survivors can just wipe out any defence for the price of 45RP, to arm a small group).

Now, before we start with the faction things, let's just say this is a WIP post, I guess.

Zombies. These are the most obvious faction out here, they're amazing, but.. they lack, they lack a lot.
Knowing that they were recently nerfed to be slower, we wouldn't want to revert something that was done to help the gamemode, so instead the zombies will probably(again a suggestion) need a bump in their AI count.(Smoko suggests +20%).
If it's possible to have them work in hordes, this would help the zombies from being picked off, and have 5-20 zombies vs 1 man, instead of 20 men vs 1 zombie.
As it currently is, zombies can be out-capped with just four men easily, and if its a player + AI, then a squad of 8 could probably accomplish this. This is partly due to the fact that they wander all over the map and don't stick together to make an actual formidible force(hence the horde suggestion).

Survivors. Honestly, we couldn't find anything to improve them significantly.

Bandits. Of the three games(and this long one) we played, bandits won each and every time. This is because once bandits take territory, it's hard to take them out of the territory(as they are the only faction with the ability to place basecamps, and armories. Late game matches end up with numerous basecamps on the frontline, with dozens upon dozens of bandits to fight against. If the bandits are going to be so numerous, they shouldn't be so hard to kill. It might also be worth noting that when you think of bandits, you think of someone who's slick and offensive - they are exactly this, but they hold the ability to spawn in large amounts of troops to defend an objective, and when the order is given, swarm an objective to capture it. (We sorta came to a conclusion that other factions need some ability to be able to garrison/spawn troops.)

Military. One of the faction's most unique abilities is the M2HB deployable. Don't mistake this for a blessing, though. Although it suppresses enemies fairly well when controlled by an AI, it's accuracy dispersion is so high(and much higher than the Humvee's), that most rounds will miss, and the AI is better off with just his rifle. Our suggestion is a slight increase in the accuracy of the M2HB. The population(and is how military lost many times) is extremely low, the HQ(hotel in this case) had around 14 men at max, and with the toying of some things we were able to bump it up to about 25, and it was still beaten by the bandits in less than two minutes of the order given to attack. We suggest an increase of population of about 10-20%.

(special thanks to Smoko for giving a second opinion)
thanks to Corisol, EndlessSummers, Darky, Sgt.jmayiol, and many many more for helping.

(ill edit this as more suggestions come through by anyone.)

Author:  JackMayol [ Fri Sep 23, 2016 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Running With The Dead(suggestions)

RWD isn't meant to be anything "official" really. We offer 2 servers for the community to play on but that doesn't mean it's an official mod/mode of RWR. Hence it's not listed in the 2 official multiplayer modes (invasion and dominance).
I am unfortunately working on it pretty much alone since it's in the workshop and I actually wouldn't mind if someone would lend me a hand because I really shouldn't spend more time on it, there's a lot of other stuff that I'd need to work on, not mod related.

- Having persistent profiles with stash saving is a bit of an issue to say the least, as a profile can't save multiple stashes and every faction would need an own stash else it can be abused to e.g. play as a faction, stash nice (faction-specific) stuff and using it for another faction. This would require some coding in vanilla, which is always delicate at this point. As for progress an unlock, this would require another profile server to save the data. Also pretty much every weapon right now is usable at low rank and I am not sure what would make persistent profiles interesting in that sense apart from having bigger squads.

- Didn't review the AA-12 Frag in ages, will have a look at some point.

- About your faction balance review, this sounds at least as it got better during the last few months in that sense.
About the Infected, it's a bit problematic since you can play the faction yourself. If we'd make it stronger, 2-3 good human zombies would easily tear through the other factions, trust me the zombie player can be extremely strong, especially in a group of 2-3.

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