Hard Mode or Ironman mode?
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Author:  sivistojko [ Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Hard Mode or Ironman mode?

As the title says, I would like to propose something like a mode where a profile only has one life and upon death would reset itself.
It could work in a way that each kill rewards you with 10xp or something and you even get 5 rp for each kill. For combo kills you could get a lot more xp and rp....

I think this is very fair reasoning since the actual stat numbers don't mean anything, rare weapons could really be rare because upon death you would lose your stash too. Because of the great risk, better xp and rp rewards would compensate the difficulty. But most important of all, the whole idea is about playing more carefully while trying to stay alive.

I think that "Hard Mode" would encourage people who rush to play smarter and explore the game mechanics at it's core, learning to be an actual team player for the first time, instead of just mindlessly rushing to their deaths.....

But due to nature of the game, I would exclude teamkilling from this concept because it would be too difficult. In the current game, it is just the matter of time when you will catch a friendly mortar, arti, or when an AI will run over you with a vehicle.

Just a thought :)

Author:  QuickLoad [ Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hard Mode or Ironman mode?

inb4 "Running with Rifle's one life event!"

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