JackMayol wrote:
MarsCrow wrote:
did you can help me too
I am going to translate from English to Korean.
but i don't know way of font and fontdef i have ImageMagick, BMFont but i can't download cn.zip(i think link broken) please help me and way of the make font, fontdef too
Hey MarsCow,
can you join Discord and PM me (JackMayol#1084) ?
We already experimented with Korean and I even have a good chunk of a Korean translation from someone who unfortunately didn't continue with it. If you are interested you could continue with what he sent me? Our plan would be to implement Korean officially to the game
I was lucky to hear the good news.
i was a problem in the fontdef section and the progress was stopped.
JackMayol#1084 has a samurai to say all friends requests. You'll have to ask them to add you.
It can't be added here and I think you should. My discord ID is MarsCrow#3289 However, it may take some time to check directly due to time zone difference.