This is a near copypaste of the thread on the steam discussion board.Have YOUR mod SHIPPED with the gameThis Challenge will end 15 July 2016 (11:59 EST)Options:
- Create a well balanced, and or fun PVP mod.
- Create well balanced PVP maps.
Post it on Steam Workshop and link it in the steam forum thread.
Need help with testing out your mod? Join our
DISCORD!Don't mod but want to help?
Become a tester in the discord and voice your concerns about PVP.
31 July 2016, the Winners (based on a non-workshop COMMUNITY VOTE) will have their mods added to the game, whether it be replacing Invasion, adding new PVP modes or all around creating a beautiful map.
Note: This challenge is community held and thus the developers are not involved until the end. This also means most issues will have to be handled either on this thread or in our discord. So if you want to be involved do that.
Ending and voting dates are not locked in stone. They will never be pushed forward, only back.Check back here for more updates.