Unsure where this topic has to go. just posting it here
Hi all. I made two .bat files that might help with moving files and processing your map
the first one executes the different .bat files in the specified map.
you have to edit it to execute the .bat files in the right map. I've included basic instructions when you run the .bat file
https://www.dropbox.com/s/im1y6hnh0xv02 ... p.bat?dl=0the second one is called moveRWR_files. it does what the name says. It moves your exported .png files to your map.
again you have to edit it yourself to make it move to the right map, as well as replace my source destination with yours. Ive included simple instructions when you run the bat file.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fcnqspgcwett3 ... s.bat?dl=0hopefully this is useful for someone else besides me