Has anyone ever though on that?
With the nearing of the next game of the franchise I got to thinking, the game itself is about running and gunning from cover to cover... Well at least in campaing lol. We all know how MP is all about the Gnasher.
But yeah. How could would it be to be running as a COG Gear or as the Locusts recreating all the moments of the cutscenes where we see our heroes on situations so familiar to RWR?
And it also has a third faction being the UIR... URI? Paduk's original faction!
It also has some vehicles. For the COG at least. I dont know how Locust can have those... Unless you make the tank a Brumak? And the APC a Reaver?
But yeah, just a random thought that popped out of my head and wished to share with you guys.
What do you think?