Hello people! Started RWR a couple days ago and got this account yesterday. Hoping it will be a good investment!
I havent played anything other than singleplayer so far (I beat the greenbelt campaign, and can I ask: Are the greycollars/brownpants campaign any different?) because I want to get a little bit better and also IDK what kind of community this is like. Also I have noone to play with, but back when I was playing W:ET I didnt either, so I guess I should just jump in.
I love playing games and talking with people, people often say I am (usually accidently) funny, but idk. I am only 13 but whatevs, 14 in march. Oh, talking about that, I wont be able to play insanely often because I will be taking my options fairly soon and then doing my GCSE's after that, so, you know. Please tell me a little bit about yourselves, you can ask me anything (within reason) that you want, and yeah. Call me turkey or turkeysteaks, or Gen. ByeBye
PS: I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, but there wasn't an introductions topic that I could see, and if there is just move it please
PPS: my steam is: W4rl0rd3333
my PSN is: W4rl0rdd3333 (I think)
you can ask for others and I might give you it.
EDIT: PPPS: Does anyone want to play with me on this?