EDIT: None of this is needed these days. Just run launch_server script found in the server tar.gz package.
The following has been done on a Ubuntu 32-bit 12.04 (Precise) running on VMWare Player in Windows 7 64-bit. Ubuntu is certainly not a requirement, and feedback from attempts to set the server up in different systems are greatly appreciated.
The guide is known to work also for:
* Ubuntu 32-bit 11.04 (Natty), thanks StinkyTaco!
EDIT 18th December:
For 64-bit systems, you need to install 32-bit library dependencies, which might be more or less problematic.
Rumors say it's easier with e.g. the more recent Ubuntus. I eventually managed to do it on my Ubuntu 64-bit 10.04 (Lucid), but I also know better ways to spend time. apt-get allows you to install 32-bit libraries by using "apt-get install <package_name>:i386".
* Let's check one thing first:
pasik@ubuntu:~$ uname -m
* i686 is fine, it means it's 32-bit
* Here we go then, getting pre-built binaries for Ogre3D using apt-get, libogremain1.7.2, which RWR uses, only found for Natty (11.04) and older
* Add ogre-team ppa in sources.list
pasik@ubuntu:~$ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
* Add the two lines below e.g. at the end of the file
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ogre-team/ogre/ubuntu natty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ogre-team/ogre/ubuntu natty main
* Update the apt-get lists
pasik@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get update
* Check that Ogre3D libs are now found
pasik@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-cache search libogre
libogre-1.7.4 - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries)
libogre-1.7.4-dbg - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (debugging libs)
libogre-dev - 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
libogre-perl - Perl binding for the OGRE C++ graphics library
libogremain1.7.2-dbg - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (debug symbols [libs])
libogremain1.7.2 - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (core libraries)
libogre1.7.2-dev - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
libogremain1.7.3-dbg - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (debug symbols [libs])
libogremain1.7.3 - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (core libraries)
libogre1.7.3-dev - Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
* libogremain1.7.2 found, that's the one we want
pasik@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install libogremain1.7.2
* We also need libcurl (thanks again StinkyTaco for pointing this out, I probably had it installed earlier already)
pasik@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install curl
* Now create a folder for the RWR server to be located, I've decided to create it under my home folder here
pasik@ubuntu:~$ mkdir rwr_server
pasik@ubuntu:~$ cd rwr_server
* Download the gzip'd RWR server executable, as stated in the latest release news thread
pasik@ubuntu:~/rwr_server$ wget http://modulaatio.com/runningwithrifles/rwr_server_0.71.1.gz
* Unpack it
pasik@ubuntu:~/rwr_server$ gunzip rwr_server_0.71.1.gz
* Make it executable
pasik@ubuntu:~/rwr_server$ chmod a+x rwr_server_0.71.1
* Deliver RWR 0.71 Windows release media folder, found at e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Desura\Common\running-with-rifles\media if you're a Desura user or by default C:\Program Files (x86)\Running with rifles\media if you're a Desura standalone / BMTMicro user, to your Linux box, to the folder we created for the RWR server, so that you have rwr_server executable file and media-folder there side by side* Launch the server
pasik@ubuntu:~/rwr_server$ ./rwr_server_0.71.1
RUNNING WITH RIFLES (c) Modulaatio Games 2012, beta 0.71.1, server build
Game loaded
* If that is what you got, it works! (if it doesn't, you may need to try launching it a few times

the build isn't in its best shape yet)
* Type help to see the list of commands
* Type help <insert_command_name_here> to get further help on specific command
When there's going to be an update for the server build, you just need to download, unpack and chmod the new executable and remove the old one. (I'll look into this one more carefully later, it seems dumb you really need to chmod the file, I'm probably just being a Linux-noob about how to distribute files properly

When the GUI game gets updated, you need to update the server's media-folder with the content from the actual game.
For now, you can create geoinfo.xml file in your server folder to control what is sent to the central server list as your country info. This helps joiners to pick servers that are close to them in order to get to play with lower lag. You can use
this as a template.
Have fun, and let me know if you feel there's something wrong in the steps above!