the factiosn already have primary and secondary items why not grenades as well.
For this idea the green will have the current grenade types. Each faction will have 4 grenade types basic(all sides have the normal hand grenade), anti infantry, anti vehicle, and specialized.
infantry: shrapnel grenade. info: has a blast range of 10 (same as the stun) and the stats of a normal grenade, except for the fact it is a kill chance weapon. kill chance: has a 75% kill chance in first 8 range and a 20% wound chance in the last 2 range area.
set up idea(aka what it would look like in the file)(way to much detail sorry)
blast_range= "10.0" <range="1" inflict_damage=kill chance=0.75 /> <range="2" inflict_damage=kill chance=0.75 /> etc till nine <range="9" inflict_damage=wound chance= 0.20>
vehicle: m67 info: has a low blast range at 3.5, but deals the most damage of any grenade at 2.5 damage. other then that acts like a normal grenade timer and all
special: smoke grenade info: when this grenade detonates, it will put of a 7 range cloud of smoke for 8 seconds, targets in this cloud have their accuracy reduced by 0.3.
infantry: chemical grenade info: basicly a modified smoke grenade, the smoke put off by the has a tanish tent and has a kill chance over time.
set up idea (word document info) time_to_live="7" kill_over_time"0.2" (this is 0.2 chance per second)
vehicle: Molotov info: this is the only anti vehicle weapon that doesn't really damage the vehicle instead, it has a 60% chance of killing crew of the vehicle. (example a fully crewed transport truck will lose at least 5 people) it detonates on impact like the impact grenade
special: flash flare info: basically a thrown strobe light. units in its range will be slower to react to events, aka slower to realize they are being shot or to notice the normal grenade that landed next to them.
infantry: pineapple grenade info: teh pinaple grenade is a standard grenade with 6 range, though it does act like the shrapnel grenade for the grey in the fact that range 5 and 6 are wound chance the difference is the kill chance is 100% and the wound is 80%
_________________ I regret even hearing of this game!