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 Post subject: vss
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 9:03 am 

Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:01 am
Posts: 3
how get vss? i know it's rare weapon but i don't know how get vss

 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:46 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:46 am
Posts: 331
Kill enemy officer who is carrying it. Its very rare so you just need to play a lot to meet one.

 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:46 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:12 am
Posts: 46
I was fortunate to get 2 Vintorez rifles in my 50 hours game time (both dropped by mini-bosses), and unfortunately I lost one in my clueless attempt to solo take the mansion in the Moorland Trenches map. I almost lost the second one too by being reckless, getting too close and 'recked in the process. Fortunately I was able to go back and retrieve it. This is why I dont like playing with rare weapons, it is too much stressful. They are too hard to get and too easy to lose.

On the side note, Vintorez is not as good as I hoped it to be. It feels like a silenced AK with range of a sniper.

 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:59 pm 
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sivistojko wrote:
This is why I dont like playing with rare weapons, it is too much stressful. They are too hard to get and too easy to lose.
I remember that feeling.:) When I started playing I felt the same but at a later stage I appreciated their advantages.

sivistojko wrote:
On the side note, Vintorez is not as good as I hoped it to be. It feels like a silenced AK with range of a sniper.
What do you mean by "is not as good as I hoped it to be"? It is exactly as good as it should be, it's just like the real model. Plus, there are many assault rifles in game, but VSS is the sole suppressed sniper rifle, so I think they are quite different by multiple criteria to be compared each other.

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 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:22 am 
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sivistojko wrote:
On the side note, Vintorez is not as good as I hoped it to be. It feels like a silenced AK with range of a sniper.

You're not using it right. It IS a silenced AK. 80% kill chance is not good for a sniper rifle as kill chance gets dramatically lowered the further you are compared to other sniper rifles 100% kill chance(90% for SVD). Its more of a mid-long range weapon. Although its not good for sniping, its better to leave the job to the big ones since silenced doesnt matter much when you are sniping far out from the zone up at an elevated spot for enemy to detect and shoot at you.

sivistojko wrote:
They are too hard to get and too easy to lose.

a bit hard to get yes, but not really easy to lose unless you play right. you are not guaranteed to keep a weapon forever when using it so enjoy it while you can when using one. Ill post a video on how to use one professionally in a new thread. they are stressful to play with, but once you have lots of RP, you really dont need to focus on losing them since you have so much money, you can use that to more readily purchase them from other players at above scrap price.

Since VSS is quite one of the popular weapon among rares, they are more expensive to buy (I sell them for about 600 apiece)

TIP: to understand how the silenced mechanic works, Ill make a brief explanation.
noised weapons will attract from quite a long distance enemies from all directions and they will almost instantly start rushing towards the source of gunshot. silenced weapons will not attract enemies from all directions but they will however alert the soldiers that are close to the gun's bullet trails. they will scramble for cover for 3-5 seconds then rush to the source of the bullet trail, so thats the key advantage of silenced over noised guns. so if you silenced gun did not kill, best try to crouch and run to another direction. dont forget as long as you are not discovered silenced weapons will have a max kill chance of 1.0. its crucial to complement silenced weapon with a ghillie suit. crouching while wearing ghillie suit will take about 3-4 meters for enemies to detect you and night time enemy detection is worse. always crouch when in stealth!!!

 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 4:27 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:12 am
Posts: 46
RefrigerRaider wrote:
TIP: to understand how the silenced mechanic works, Ill make a brief explanation.
noised weapons will attract from quite a long distance enemies from all directions and they will almost instantly start rushing towards the source of gunshot. silenced weapons will not attract enemies from all directions but they will however alert the soldiers that are close to the gun's bullet trails. they will scramble for cover for 3-5 seconds then rush to the source of the bullet trail, so thats the key advantage of silenced over noised guns. so if you silenced gun did not kill, best try to crouch and run to another direction. dont forget as long as you are not discovered silenced weapons will have a max kill chance of 1.0. its crucial to complement silenced weapon with a ghillie suit. crouching while wearing ghillie suit will take about 3-4 meters for enemies to detect you and night time enemy detection is worse. always crouch when in stealth!!!

Thank you both Dio and RefrigerRaider for your replies. I have around 40-50 game hours and that is still nothing for some serious game understanding. I don't even know how to aim properly with a sniper rifle, not to mention move, cover, take proper position and so on..

So far what I understand is that awareness, awareness and more awareness are the key factors along with the map knowledge for establishing basis for good game-play. Also game mechanics require some adjusting to as well, such as target distance and movement, grande (explosion) radius, cover mechanic vs prone ..and so on.

EDIT: To be honest, I would like to play together with you guys to see some action from pro's. I want to see how it's done!!

 Post subject: Re: vss
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:33 am 
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Obviously, you have a proper understanding of the matter, so everything else will come very soon.
And yea, hope, we'll play together after a short time.;)

"Ad cogitandum et agendum homo natus es"

I work quickly, cheaply and qualitatively. You can choose only two of the three options.

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