ok I gave the map a try (I just rushed through it a while back).
First of, pretty cool map, the "corridors" feeling is something different

The map as a few technical design flaws that you can fix in no time and the AI would be very thankful if you do so

To avoid weird AI behaviour, try to respect the following rules:
- none of the platforms can intersect with walls
- none of the walls can intersect with walls
- none of the walls can intersect with buildings
- none of the objects in general can intersect with another or buildings apart from buildings which can intersect each other
Here an example (just move the wall object a bit away from the building wall, so that the AI can pass between the building and the wall, else they will get stuck there):

Also I noticed several flickerings when buildings are intersecting each other (not an AI problem, as buildings can intersect).
Just add in the properties of the building object in inkscape: offset = 0 -0.2 0;
This will slightly offset the building roof in the height, so that those clipping glitches will vanish.

Try not to use boundary rectangles if not 100% needed as the AI isn't aware of boundary rectangles, they might just run against it and be stucked. You could just close some pathes with another high building instead of using a boudary rectangle.
Furthermore, you might use an avoid region path (check map3 in the avoid layer), just surround your water area with the avoid path so that the AI will try to avoid getting into the water.
Good job and I am pretty sure that a lot of players would like to see another map project starting from you